The first thing that comes to mind is Z' - a new neutral gauge boson coupled to the left-handed quarks. This is a valid possibility provided Z' is leptophobic, that is to say, its coupling to electrons is less than about 0.05 to avoid constraints from the LEP experiment. There is some tension with the constraints from the UA2 experiment that was operating some 30 years before christ and made a search for a narrow Z' in the dijet channel. The UA2 limits on the Z'-quark coupling translate to a constraint on the W+Z' cross section at the Tevatron that allows one to explain only about 60 percent of the events observed by CDF. However, given the large uncertainties involved in the CDF measurement and in interpreting the UA2 results, the Z' option remains open. One should also note that nothing in the data tells us the new particle is a vector boson, it could just as well be a scalar.

One can also imagine a more intricate class of models where the lepton and the missing energy in the CDF excess events come not from a usual W boson but from some other particle decaying to an electron and a neutrino. For example, this paper explains the excess by a production of a pair of supersymmetric winos of which one decays, via R-parity violation, to a charged lepton and a neutrino, and the other decays to 2 jets. This possibility may be excluded by analysis the distribution of the transverse mass of the lepton+missing energy subsystem.
Finally, one should mention those who are trying to spoil the party. From the very beginning many have cast doubts on the CDF analysis as it requires a perfect control over the overwhelming Standard Model backgrounds. One thing is that even the Standard Model W/Z peak in the observed jet mass spectrum, arising due to the well known contribution of the WW and WZ production processes, does not seem to be very well described by the simulations. Furthermore, by eye it seems that shifting the jet energy scale a few percent upwards, which would correspond to shifting the whole data curve to the right, allows one to get rid of the excess (the authors of the analysis reply that raising the jet energy scale makes additional events pass the analysis cuts, so that naive shifting of the curve is not correct; they say a 3 sigma excess persists even when the JES is scaled up by 7 percent). Another attempted explanation is that the apparent excess is in

So this is where we stand today. The situation may or may not be clarified when more data arrive. The updates from CDF and D0 are imminent. Someone will call a bluff? Or someone is holding an ace up his sleeve? Stay tuned for the next episode.
And some papers try to give one explanation to both ie 150GeV excess and top forward backward asymmetry. Could YOu comment on these?
I'm not aware of a model where the connection is natural. It's always two independent couplings, one responsible for the bump, and the other for the forward-backward asymmetry.
Oops, I forgot about Nelson et al. 1104.2030. In that case one could complain that the symmetry is topsy turvy, but this is a good example of what you're asking. Maybe there exist other examples I'm not aware of.
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