A new rumor propagating via twitter, social networks and other attributes of modern civilization says that the
old rumor was just a rumor. The ATLAS collaboration was working hard this last week to investigate the possible signal of Higgs decaying to photons. Observations of such a signal was claimed in an internal memo written by 4 of its members. However, after analyzing about 100 pb-1 of currently available data ATLAS concluded that the suspicious excess in the γγ invariant mass distribution is going away. C'est la vie, as the local folks would say. A parallel rumor says that CMS sees nothing unusual in the γγ channel. That would pretty much end the career of the first LHC rumor. Maybe it's for the better. Otherwise
the Higgs boson would have to be renamed to
the Wu boson which could lead to some confusion.
Anyway, same time tomorrow, we must have a winner one day...
Update: ATLAS officially
quashes the rumor. With 131 pb-1 of data there is no peak in the γγ invariant mass spectrum near 115 GeV.
Very disappointing.
Jester, will D0 say something about the CDF dijet anomaly soon? Some told me D0 could have results by the end of this month.
There's already a D0 result that looks relevant (looser cuts, though): http://www-d0.fnal.gov/Run2Physics/WWW/results/prelim/HIGGS/H78/
Yeah, people say that a new W+jj paper from D0 is imminent but there are various opinions how conclusive it will be.
You guys in the physics world have no idea how the rest of us have been following this... well, the physics geeks, anyway. I think having been aware of your blogs helped me not get caught up in the hype!
"A new rumor propagating via twitter"
and this is what the scientific method has come down to? sad...very sad...
It's an interesting title, kerker.
Huh. But what happens when a rumor and an anti-rumor collide?
sorry for the dumb question, but what is that beastie supposed to symbolize? the Higgs?
the beastie higgs with 30 times the standard model cross section into photons
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