The new inflationary model is christened volume inflation, because the volume of the Calabi-Yau is the modulus that assumes the role of the inflaton. Inflation happens when the volume is relatively small. This means that the string scale and the Planck scale are close to each other, which is favorable to obtain large enough density fluctuations. After inflation ends, the volume rolls down to our metastable vacuum where the cosmological constant is small and where the string and Planck scales are separated by several order of magnitudes. The model incorporates a mechanism of converting the energy of the inflaton into radiaton, which helps to avoid the overshooting problem and delivers us from evil of a ten dimensional vacuum.
My problem with this string inflation model is that, as Cliff admitted himself, there is hardly any string inflation here. Inflation operates below the string and compactification scales, so that the 4D field theory approximation applies. At the end of the day, it is just standard inflation in field theory, with some building blocks motivated by currently popular string models. The string origin does not produce any smoking-gun imprint. Nor it gives any insight into the conceptual problems of inflation - the vacuum energy problem and the transplanckian problem.
Well, I know that inflation in field theory works fine, if we turn a blind eye on some conceptual problems and allow for some fine-tuning. So, if you want to impress me, try working on string inflation instead. The only attempt i know of in which the ideas of string theory are crucial is the string gas cosmology approach. But there could be more...
Any news on the Atlas mishap 10 days ago ? Will the "bouchon" be repaired in time for the LHC start-up ?
Thanks for the blog ! Keep it going !
I talked to an eye-witness who saw the hole in the detector. But, at the moment it is not clear to me how serious it is. I will try to find out.
How about the DBI inflation? It relies crucially on the modification of the kinetic term coming from the strings which become light as the brane separation gets smaller. I always thought of the DBI inflation models as "stringy".
You're right to point out the DBI inlation. However, in that case the dynamics of inflation is still field theoretical. Strings only motivate using a particular higher-derivative action and give you some theoretical control in the region where these higher-derivative terms are relevant. Let's say, this is 50-50 string/field theory inflation :-)
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