In autumn otherwise important issues like PiMs or inner threesome magnets cease to attract any attention here at CERN. The focus is all on football. More precisely, the CERN indoor football tournament. This year is very special because one of the participating teams consists almost entirely of CERN theorists (since technical problems may sometimes arise, e.g. tying shoelaces, the team includes one experimentalist). The team plays under the name ThC which apparently stands for Theory Club. You probably imagine particle theorists as an awkward lot of short-sighted geeks that trip over their own legs. While this naive picture is correct in 95.4% of cases, the CERN theory group is large enough to have some reasonable players in the Gaussian tail. ThC played their first match last week and did not lose, which is already a better result than any theory team have achieved in CERN's history. The rumour is that if ThC continues to impress, they might choose a theorist for a new DG.
ach! interesting stuff happening right after leaving... should plan a visit in time for the indoor season. got any extra shirt?
Sure, t-shirts are just 99.99 CHF, available all sizes at the CERN TH Memorabilia Store ;-)
sorry to stray heavily from physics and physics gossip, but i saw ThC beat GoZ0 in a memorable 2nd half; which makes come back here and comment:
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