There are at least 3 distinct B-meson anomalies that are currently intriguing:
- A few sigma (2 to 4, depending who you ask) deviation in differential distribution of B → K*μμ decays,
- 2.6 sigma violation of lepton flavor universality in B → Kμμ vs B → Kee decays,
- 3.5 sigma violation of lepton flavor universality, but this time in B → Dτν vs B → Dμν decays.

Also the 3rd anomaly above can be easily explained by leptoquarks. One example from this paper is a leptoquark transforming as (3,1,-1/3) and coupling to matter as
This particle contributes to b → c τ ν, adding up to the tree-level W boson contribution, and is capable of explaining the apparent excess of semi-leptonic B meson decays into D mesons and tau leptons observed by the BaBar, Belle, and LHCb experiments. The difference to the previous case is that this leptoquark has to be less massive, closer to the TeV scale, because it has to compete with the tree-level contribution in the Standard Model.
There are more kinds of leptoquarks with different charges that allow for Yukawa couplings to matter. Some of them could also explain the 3 sigma discrepancy of the experimentally measured muon anomalous magnetic moment with the Standard Model prediction. Actually, a recent paper says that the (3,1,-1/3) leptoquark discussed above can explain all B-meson and muon g-2 anomalies simultaneously, through a combination of tree-level and loop effects. In any case, this is something to look out for in this and next year's data. If a leptoquark is indeed the culprit for the B → Dτν excess, it should be within reach of the 13 TeV run (for the 1st two anomalies it may well be too heavy to produce at the LHC). The current reach for leptoquarks is up to 1 TeV mass (strongly depending on model details), see e.g. the recent ATLAS and CMS analyses. So far these searches have provoked little public interest, but that may change soon...