A.D. 2008. The year to come will be remembered forever since it's the year of the first collisions at the LHC... damn it, i have deja vu... didn't I write a similar thing a year ago?
Yeah, it's been a year since. I wrote the other day that CERN in early January was a dreary place. My psychoanalist advised me to start a blog as a means to fight off the depression. I expected it to be a short-lived prank but, to my surprise, the blog is still alive and kicking. The depression, likewise. During the past year Resonaances has become the central point of attention for the particle physics community...well...not really, it's just a small, local blog read mostly by other bloggers. At the beginning, the blog was advertised on the TH web page, but then it was filed under external(!?) links after protests from some past and future Noble prize winners. That's what they call an internal exile :-)
Me? Somehow, I prefer to stay in the shadow. In fact, the time when I was really anonymous was most fun. Unfortunately, here at CERN you cannot run or hide. Those who know me didnt have problems to identify. Those that I ridiculed, mistreated or slandered quickly found out too. So, if you dig dip enough you can also find out. But what's in a name?
long live jester! long live resonaances!
Speaking as a proffessional, this is one of basically only a few particle physics blogs that is worth reading and serious.
So heres to Resonaances!
Hi Jester,
well, I do not know you, nor do I have anything to complain, but I would like to discover your identity such that we can share a beer the next time I'm around...
I second anonymous #2, Resonaances is as good as it gets in physics blogdom.
Actually Jester you may like to know that you have at least one reader who is not a blogger, nor a physicist but (this may be shocking) a financial economist.
yep anonymous, and I think I know you too!
Thanks to all Anonymous for birthday greetings. Greetings to UnAnonymous from the City of London.
Tommaso, next time you're around just drop me a comment, i will find you :-)
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