CERN will soon fall into a winter sleep officialy called the annual closure. In this period the body activity is reduced to a minimum. The personel is sent on a forced leave of absence, only a few scattered die-hards remain on site. There is no life as we know it: the cafeteria is closed, heating is switched off and coffee machines are removed for fear of looters. Sadly, this implies there is nothing to blog on. CERN will come back to life January 7; I may reopen before that.
hello there! great blog you have btw. this is luis cejudo, as my real name, a particle physics studying my phd in particle physics in Mexico. i was wondering if you have some kind of RSS feed or something where i can subscribe!!?!? anyhow... thanks alot for you time and ermmm greatest blog!!! im still reading all the posts...
I'm sure that i have RSS feed, but i have no idea what it is ;-)
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