Tuesday 25 September 2012

sorry :-{

Tja, 2 months without writing a post is my personal best since I started this blog.  It cannot be just laziness.  I blame it on the frantic atmosphere surrounding the Higgs discovery, which resulted in post-coital tristesse.  Indeed, a face-to-face with a genuine discovery only makes you realize the day-to-day misery of high-energy physics today. Now it's much harder to get excited about setting limits on new physics or even about seeing hints of new physics that will surely go away before you blink. New limits on SUSY from the 8 TeV LHC run? Yawn. First robust limits on superpartners of the top quark? Phew. Best ever limits on direct detection of dark matter? Boooring. Another smoking-gun signal of dark matter?  Wait...

Well, it's time go back to the daily grind because, in the long run, that may be the only life we have :-) 


  1. So glad to have you back!
    I check your blog every day...

  2. I always learn something from your blog, and today I learned the word "tristesse" (= melancholy).

  3. higgs diphoton excess not interesting anymore?

  4. It is. Depression is never logical.

  5. Depression or not, I endorse your view. So far, it is a boring Higgs.

  6. "I blame it on the frantic atmosphere surrounding the Higgs discovery, which resulted in post-coital tristesse."

    Best line of social commentary on high energy physics ever?

  7. You have loads to look forward to: 1) LHC likely to have recorded 20\fb for each detector by the end of 2012, 2) start up in late 2014 at 13Tev, 3) 20 years of running.

    These are great times to be alive as a particle physicist, but let's relax a little and take a calm balanced approach ;)
