Friday 19 December 2008

Christmas Play '09

This blog is no longer from CERN but it'll take time to shake off the nostalgia... End of year at CERN TH is traditionally marked by the Christmas play. This year's play is focused on the two events that recently sent a shudder through the planet: the credit meltdown at Wall Street and the LHC meltdown at CERN. Detective Holes (Ellis) investigates the connection between the two. Although the script falters at times, there are enough good gags to take you through 37 minutes of the play. A few must-sees include the Hawaiian nuts (Giddings and Mangano) hula-hopping, DG Cauchemar (Grojean) as Louis XIV/XV, and Evans the Accelerator (Lesgourgues) helium-squeaking. Also starring Fat Wall Street Bastard and Carla Bruni. For more inquisitive minds, there is something extra about the dimensions of Gia Dvali. Enjoy.

If it does not work, try downloading the movie from this page.


  1. Hi Jester,
    the play is indeed good (my favourite gags are Mangano's and Dvali's) but now it starts at full volume any time I open your webpage. It was a quite annoying background to your latest - otherwise excellent - post on the PAMELA/ATIC results. Can you do anything about it? Happy Holidays,

  2. Weird. Autostart is set to off.

  3. BTW, the gag on Wagner & Sancho must have broken JTankers' heart ;-) Poor guy, after all his efforts, why didn't HE deserve a mention in the play? Happy New Year to Resonaances, Ptrslv72


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